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For millennia, mankind has known that spinach is a leafy light-green vegetable that qualifies as "good for you" according to legions of mothers and as poison to millions of kids. (God help y'all if you e'er had to eat the slimy green horror that is canned spinach. Popeye is not plenty to make that okay.) At present MIT engineers appear a quantum in the heretofore unknown fine art of bomb-detecting spinach. These spinach plants were capable of detecting "nitroaromatic compounds" in groundwater to which they were exposed. TNT is short for "tri-nitro-toluene," which is a nitroaromatic, but then is the RDX in C-4, which we're still making (nosotros quit making TNT in the 80s).

The plants were developed by chemical engineering science professor Michael Strano's lab at MIT. The lab has previously adult carbon nanotubes that can exist used equally sensors to detect a wide range of target molecules, including hydrogen peroxide, TNT, the nerve gas sarin, and even dopamine. They get into the plant by being painted onto the undersides of the leaves, from where the nanotubes are conveyed into the mesophyll — the inside layer of leaves, where most photosynthesis happens. When the target molecule binds to a polymer wrapped around the nanotube, it alters the nanotube's fluorescence backdrop.

To read the signal when the plants pick up nitroaromatics, researchers shine a laser onto the leaves, which induces them to release light in the almost IR. The wavelength of the low-cal depends on whether the nanotube complexes accept bound to their targets.

"This setup could be replaced past a cell phone and the right kind of photographic camera," Strano said. "It'south merely the infrared filter that would stop you from using your cell telephone." In fact, the team used a Raspberry Pi CCD camera with the infrared filters removed.

I immediately imagine "smart shrubs" that could know if explosives had even brushed past. Or "smart salads" that tin can somehow tell you more near a salad than that information technology is good for you.

"These sensors give existent-time information from the plant. It is almost similar having the establish talk to us about the surround they are in," says coauthor and graduate student Min Hao Wong. "In the example of precision agriculture, having such information can directly bear upon yield and margins."

With the smart spinach ceiling croaky, who knows what other culinary creations await united states of america? Perhaps we could pattern some kind of Stingray-detecting squash? Cancer-diagnosing cauliflower? Actually, scrap those. I'll settle for lima beans that actually taste like food.

Title analogy: Christine Daniloff/MIT