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SpaceX usually provides ample details on its launch schedule and the cargo it carries into space. That'south not the case when its cargo is of the top hush-hush diverseness, and that can leave us guessing about mission details. The recent "Zuma" launch appeared to go off without a hitch, but now at that place's reason to call back the US spy satellite might have been destroyed before going into operation.

The Falcon 9 conveying this mysterious payload was launched on January seventh from Greatcoat Canaveral Air Force Station. As with all recent SpaceX Falcon 9 launches, the company successfully landed the first stage booster back on country for refurbishment and reuse. That part all went fine, and Elon Musk fifty-fifty shared a long-exposure epitome showing the rocket's launch and subsequent landing. If new reports are to be believed, things went sideways after that.

The Falcon 9 is a ii-stage vehicle, so the payload was still on its way into orbit when the first stage came dorsum downward. All we really know for certain is that the Zuma satellite, built by Northrop Grumman, was destined for low-Earth orbit. That'due south adequately simple as space launches go. Sources who have spoken confidentially to news outlets suggest the satellite failed to decouple from the second stage, leading to information technology either breaking upwards in the atmosphere or crashing into the ocean. SpaceX built the second phase, obviously, and Northrop Grumman built the coupling mechanism for Zuma.

Northrop Grumman has refused to comment on the multibillion-dollar satellite, which was a highly secretive project for both companies. Even past SpaceX national security payloads stake in comparing to Zuma — we don't know which government bureau was prepare to use the satellite, permit solitary what its role was.

Falcon 9 landing afterwards Zuma launch.

SpaceX refused to annotate on the fate of Zuma, which isn't surprising given the super-secret nature of the launch. Even so, it said the Falcon ix "performed nominally." That could indicate the loss of Zuma had to do with Northrop Grumman'southward adapter design rather than a failure of SpaceX's vehicle. This could also be a tricky style of saying the Falcon nine booster itself worked well, merely maybe something went wrong mechanically with the second stage. The government is reportedly still hashing out the details to make up one's mind who was at mistake. We might never learn who catches the blame, simply we may be able to guess if either SpaceX or Northrop Grumman lose a lot of government business in the near future.

SpaceX is continuing on unremarkably for now. It's preparing several new flights in the coming weeks, including a Falcon Heavy demonstration launch that volition have Elon Musk's personal Tesla into space.